Professor  Jordi Torres


Jordi Torres has a Masters degree in Computer Science from the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC, 1988) and also holds a Ph. D. from the same institution (Best UPC Computer Science Thesis Award, 1993). Currently he is a full professor in the Computer Architecture Department at UPC.  He has more than  twenty  years of experience in research and development of advanced distributed and parallel systems in the High Performance Computing Group at UPC. He has been a visiting researcher at the "Center for Supercomputing Research & Development" at Urbana-Champaign (Illinois, USA, 1992).

His current principal interest as a researcher is making IT resources more efficient, and focuses on the resource management needs of modern  distributed and parallel cloud computing environments. Currently he is actively working to combine the research from different research areas such as autonomic computing, parallel and distributed systems, performance modelling, virtualization, machine learning, amongst others, to reasonably stem the difficulties to obtain more sustainable IT by itself (Green Computing).

He has more than a hundred publications in journals, conferences and book chapters. He is member of IEEE, ACM and ISOC and was involved in several conferences organized by these associations. Currently he is also a member of the Management Committee of the EU COST action in Green Computing "Energy efficiency in large scale distributed systems" and a member of the Steering Committee IEEE -TCSC Technical Area of Green Computing.

He was a member of the European Center for Parallelism of Barcelona (CEPBA) (1994-2004) and a member of the board of managers of CEPBA-IBM Research Institute (CIRI) (2000-2004).  In 2005 the Barcelona Supercomputing Center - Centro Nacional de Supercomputación (BSC) was founded and he was nominated as a Manager for Autonomic Systems and eBusiness Platforms research line in BSC. He has worked and works in a number of EU and industrial research and development projects.

He lectures on Computer Networks, Operating Systems, Computer Architecture and on Performance Evaluation in the UPC. He has been Vice-dean of Institutional Relations at the Computer Science School (1998-2001), and a member of the Catedra Telefonica-UPC where he worked in teaching innovation (2003-2005). He has also participated in numerous academic management activities and institutional representation from 1990 onwards. Currently he is a member of the University Senate and member of the Board of Governors.